Please note: All Masterclasses are of an Intermediate + level workout. Not suitable for injury or pregnancies.
Only 8 spaces are available per session, and are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis, and your place is only confirmed when payment is received … So please ensure you email Louise at to book your place and ONLY when you receive your confirmation email from her, make payment to:-
Sort Code: 20-06-75 | Account: 13857131 | using your full name as reference |
Please note: If you cancel a Masterclass, no refund will be due and the session is not transferable.
Caroline runs her own successful fully equipped Pilates Studio (8 x reformer, 8 x chair & other apparatus) plus a private consultation room with a reformer, chair, barrel and Cadillac from Balance Studios, which is based in the scenic rural town of Witney, West Oxfordshire.
Oxfordshire Pilates Limited
Balance Studios
Bridge Street Mill, Bridge Street, Witney
Oxfordshire OX28 1YH